vertical garden plants

The Top 10 Plants for a Stunning Vertical Garden

Looking to add a splash of color to your home or office? A vertical garden may be just what you need! Not only do they look great, but they are also a great way to improve air quality. So, whether you’re just getting started or looking for new ideas, read on for some inspiration! This blog post will discuss the top 10 plants for a stunning vertical garden.

Best plants for a vertical garden


Whether you’re looking for a low-maintenance option or adding some greenery to your home, ferns are an excellent choice for the vertical garden. They don’t require a lot of light, so they’re perfect for shady spots and low maintenance. Ferns also have a deep root system, so they’re great at stabilizing the soil. Plus, their lush, green foliage will add a touch of style to any space.

Nephrolepis exaltata (The Sword Fern) – a species of fern in the family Lomariopsidaceae


They come in all shapes and sizes, so you can get creative with your design. They should do just fine. And they don’t require a lot of upkeep. Just make sure you keep them nice and moist – they like to be misted regularly.


Bird’s Nest Fern

The Birds Nest Fern is a beautiful addition to any vertical garden. Native to tropical areas, this fern gets its name from its distinctive nest-like growth habit. The plant’s fronds are thick and leathery and spiral outwards from the center of the plant. 

The bird’s nest fern is an excellent choice for those who want to add a touch of tropical beauty to their home. Relatively easy to care for and can prosper in a wide range of lighting conditions. When grown indoors, it is best to place the plant near a window where it will receive indirect sunlight.

Pothos, golden pothos, and devil’s ivy

Pothos, golden pothos, and devil’s ivy are all popular choices. These plants are fast-growing and easy to care for, making them ideal for busy homeowners. Pothos is particularly good for beginners, as it tolerates different growing conditions. 

Devil’s ivy is known for purifying the air, making it an excellent choice for homes with poor indoor air quality. Golden pothos is also a versatile plant that adapts to bright and shady areas. All three of these plants are available from nurseries and garden centers.

The lipstick plant

The lipstick plant is a beautiful flowering plant that can add a pop of color to any vertical garden. Native to Brazil, the lipstick plant is a member of the Bignoniaceae family and can grow up to 20 feet tall in its natural habitat. However, it will remain reasonably compact when grown in a vertical garden, reaching only 3-4 feet. The lipstick plant gets its name from deep red flowers resembling lipstick tubes. 

These flowers bloom in the spring and summer and are followed by dark brown seeds contained in long, slender pods. The lipstick plant is a relatively low-maintenance plant that does not require a lot of water or fertilizer. It is also tolerant of most soil types and can even prosper in poor-quality soil. It is an ideal choice if you are looking for a beautiful, easy-to-care-for plant for your vertical garden.


Succulents are ideal for vertical gardens because they require very little maintenance. Most varieties are drought-tolerant, and many can even thrive in indirect sunlight. In addition, succulents come in a wide range of colors and textures, making it easy to create a visually stunning display. 

When selecting succulents for your vertical garden, look for small and compact varieties. This will ensure that your garden looks full and lush without being overcrowded. With a bit of planning and care, your vertical garden will be a beautiful and thriving addition to your home.


Dracaenas are a type of plant used in a vertical garden. They have long, slender leaves that can add texture and interest to a vertical garden. In addition, they are low-maintenance plants that are easy to care for. Dracaenas can be used as both accent plants and background plants. When used as an accent plant, they can help to add color and contrast to a vertical garden. 

They can help provide privacy or create a more dramatic effect when used as a background plant. Dracaenas are available in various colors, including green, red, and purple. They can also be variegated, meaning they have more than one color in their leaves. This can add even more interest to a vertical garden. When choosing dracaenas for a vertical garden, selecting plants of similar size and shape is essential. This will create a more cohesive look. Choosing plants that will thrive in the same environment is also important. 

For example, suppose the other plants in the vertical garden are tropical. In that case, it is best to choose tropical dracaenas. If the other plants are succulents, it is best to choose drought-tolerant dracaenas. By carefully selecting the right plants, it is possible to create a beautiful and stylish vertical garden that is easy to care for and maintain.


Crotons are a type of tropical plant that is known for its brightly colored leaves. Crotons prefer warm, humid conditions and need plenty of sunlight to thrive. While they are often grown as houseplants, crotons can also make an eye-catching addition to a vertical garden. When selecting croton for your vertical garden, choosing a variety that suits your climate is vital. 

If you live in colder weather, you can grow crotons indoors as long as you provide sufficient light. When planted in a vertical garden, crotons need to be watered more frequently than when grown in pots. This is because the soil in vertical gardens tends to dry out quickly. As a general rule of thumb, crotons should be watered once a week during the growing season and every other week during the winter months. With proper care, crotons will add color and interest to your vertical garden for many years.


Hostas are a popular choice for vertical gardens because of their attractive foliage and ability to tolerate shade. They are also relatively low-maintenance, making them ideal for busy gardeners. When choosing hostas for a vertical garden, selecting varieties that will remain compact is essential. 

Some of the best choices include Blue Mouse Ears, Miniature Snowflake, and Patriot. As with any vertical garden, it is crucial to provide adequate drainage. Hostas require moist soil, so add plenty of organic matter to the planting mix. With a bit of care, hostas can provide interest and beauty in any vertical garden.

Baby’s tears

With a bit of care, baby’s tears can make a beautiful addition to any vertical garden. Baby’s tears plant is perfect for growing in a vertical garden because it thrives in shady areas and does not need much sunlight. Additionally, this plant is known for its small, delicate leaves and ability to trail down a wall or structure. 

When growing baby’s tears in a vertical garden, it is vital to choose a location protected from strong winds, as the plant’s long stems can be easily damaged. Additionally, ensure to water the plant regularly, as it does not tolerate drought conditions well.

Baby's tears 

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